Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rough around the edges.

I'm sitting here looking at a computer screen at 7 in the morning - why??? Lately I've been having very vivid dreams of visas, relationships and disappointments. I wake up with the intense desire to fix something. I log on to Facebook and scroll the newsfeed as if I know all of you personally, and I think 'surely their life is much more put together than mine'. As if most of the things we express on our 'status' could capture the inward workings of the human heart. I'll try to keep this post short, because I know that I'm probably a little rough around the edges with this whole blogging thing.
Dear brother and sister, if you are 'on edge' I pray that the following would serve as a tool to which your spirit might be lifted up.

I know God is good. Psalm 31:19

I know God works for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28

I know that God cares about my cares. 1 Peter 5:7

I know God has a plan for me. Jeremiah 29:11
I know that in God I have rest. Matthew 11:28-29

I know that I have everlasting hope because of Him who saved me. Titus 2:13

Father God, thank you for this new day that You have given me. I now remember that Your word stands firm to the very ends of the earth, forever. Forgive me, please, for dwelling on worry...for putting the circumstances of life in place of where You should be. -At the center of my heart. You are wonderful! Jesus, You  died in my place, you were already bruised and beaten. So why do I do it to myself?? Please help me in anguish not to sin against you more but rest assured in coming before You. Please forgive me for coming before Facebook, my opinions, other delights...all above You. Forgive me, please, for coveting others when I should and could just be happy for them....for have You, O LORD, not given me so much in abundance? All I truly have in this world to hold on to is You, because regardless anything/everything else fades away like a mist. My Good Shepard, please use this blog for YOUR good. Please touch each heart behind the eyes of each individual who reads it. May You give them exactly what they need. Please work out my visa troubles, and be glorified in them as well! I know that my departure for India is in Your timing, so Your will be done! It's about You, not me! And in the midst of my kitty pool of selfishness, You, who are so Mighty and Wonderful, pour Yourself out....thank you God. Thank you for the everlasting hope and joy that we could all have...if we just simply trusted You. I choose to trust you, right now. For I know that I have a choice, and choices are based on beliefs. I believe in Your goodness, and I forsake any will for goodness on my own. For even that is like filthy rags. May the words of my mouth, the meditation of my heart, and the work of my hands please You alone, Lord.
I love you.
In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.




  1. Rachel, thank you so much for sharing. This post really encouraged me a lot when I was having a bad day. Thanks for helping me fix my perspective.
    In Christ, Samantha

  2. Thank you, Sam, for your reply. I am glad to be an instrument of His truth. I pray now in my heart that you have joy in your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Knowing who you are by remembering Who's you are.

    With Christ's love,
